- 2008 United States presidential election
- 2012 United States presidential election
- 2016 United States presidential election
- 2020 United States presidential election
- Aaron Shore
- Abe Leonard
- Adan Canto
- Admiral Chernow
- Ahsoka Tano
- Al-Sakar
- Alex Kirkman
- All-America Broadcasting
- Alvin Joyner
- Amal Hamzi
- Ambassador Petrov
- Ambassador Salimi
- Andrea Frost
- Arturo Rojas
- Aruna Mahajan
- Assassination of Peter MacLeish
- Attempted assassination of Tom Kirkman
- Backfire
- Bad Reception
- Ben Lawson
- Beth MacLeish
- Blake MacLeish
- Bombshell
- Brace for Impact
- Brad Weston
- Breckin Meyer
- Brooke Mathison
- Browning Reed
- Browning Reed Freighter
- Bultan
- Cameron Feller
- Camp David
- Capacity
- Capitol Bombing
- Capitol News Broadcasting Service
- Charles Langdon
- Charlie Krauss
- Charlotte Thorn
- Chris Nichols
- Chuck Russink
- Colin Woodell
- Commander-in-Chief
- Cornelius Moss
- D.C. Metro Bombing
- Damian Rennett
- David Guggenheim
- Dax Minter
- Democratic Party
- Designated Survivor
- Designated Survivor: 60 Days
- Designated Survivor Wiki:Image policy
- Designated Survivor Wiki:Policy
- Desmond Lesgarth
- Diane Hunter
- Dianne Lewis
- Dontae Evans
- Driggs Missile Silo
- East Hun Chiu
- Eli Mays
- Elizabeth Vandenberg
- Ellenor Darby
- Emily Rhodes
- Emily Rhodes & Aaron Shore
- Emma Sinclair
- Equilibrium
- Eric Little
- Ethan West
- Eva Booker
- Fallout
- Family Ties
- Farhad Abbasi
- Forster-Simons News Network
- Gabriel Thompson
- Garrett Detwiler
- Gary Sharpe
- Geoff Pierson
- Glen Alexander
- Governor
- Governor Mennuti
- Governor Rivera
- Governors' Summit
- Gregory Bowen
- Grief
- Han
- Hannah Wells
- Harris Cochrane
- Home
- Hun Chiu Peninsula
- Hylidae Kirkmanus
- Icarus Astrotech
- In the Dark
- Isabel Pardo
- Italia Ricci
- Jack Bowman
- James Royce
- Jason Atwood
- Jay Whitaker
- Jim O'Malley
- John Foerstel
- Jonas Grottke
- Joon Kim
- Josef Kovacs
- Julia Rombauer
- Justine Massett
- Kal Penn
- Ken Gybson
- Kendra Daynes
- Kevin George
- Kiefer Sutherland
- Kimble Hookstraten
- Kirkman Agonistes
- Kunami
- Kyung Kim
- LaMonica Garrett
- Lazarus
- Leo Kirkman
- Lexi MacLeish
- Line of Fire
- List of Designated Survivor episodes
- Lorraine Zimmer
- Luke Atwood
- Lynn Harper
- Lyor Boone
- Maggie Q
- Main Page
- Majid Nassar
- Malik Yoba
- Margaret Clay
- Mars Harper
- Mary-Anne Louis
- Mckenna Grace
- Michael J. Fox
- Mike Ritter
- Misalliance
- Nadia Espinosa
- Naruba
- Natascha McElhone
- Nestor Lozano
- Netflix
- One Hundred Days
- One Year In
- Original Sin
- Outbreak
- Overkill
- Owen Saldua
- Party Lines
- Patrick Lloyd
- Patrick Lloyd's Cabin
- Patrick Lloyd's Horse Farm
- Penny Kirkman
- Peter Koemann
- Peter MacLeish
- Peter Outerbridge
- Phil Brunton
- Pilgrimage Beer Works
- Pilot
- President of the United States
- Presidential Emergency Operations Center
- Ray Beckett
- Reed Diamond
- Republican Party
- Rick Roberts
- Robert Richmond
- Rockville Bunker
- Royce Sims
- Run
- Sasha Booker
- Sasha Dixon
- Scott Wheeler
- Secretary of Education
- Senator Cowling
- Senator Crowl
- Senator Hazelton
- Seth Wright
- Simon Kinberg
- Slipperyslope
- State of the Union
- Sting of the Tail
- Suckers
- Summit
- Tanner Buchanan
- Target
- Taurasi
- The Blueprint
- The Confession
- The End of the Beginning
- The Enemy
- The Final Frontier
- The First Day
- The Interrogation
- The Mission
- The New York Standard
- The Ninth Seat
- The Oath
- The Results
- The Traitor
- Three-Letter Day
- Tim Beck
- Tom Kirkman
- Toronto summit of NATO
- Trey Kirkman
- Tricia Sims
- Troy Baye
- True Believers
- Truthorconsequences
- Two Ships
- Tyler Richmond
- USS Verona (DDG-145)
- United States Capitol
- United States House of Representatives
- United States Senate
- Valeria Poriskova
- Vice President of the United States
- Walter Dunlap
- Warriors
- West Hun Chiu
- White House
- White House Fallout Bunker
- Will Griffin
- William Porter
- Winslow Brimmer
- Wouter Momberg
- Yvette Atwood
- Zoe McLellan